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An Athlete Wrestling with a Python

Fashioned as a response to Laocoön and His Sons – where serpents crush three men – Leighton’s Athlete represents a rare confluence of contrarianism and optimism. I see the athlete as a seeker of new truths, shaping his own path while holding off the constriction of conventional wisdom.

I try to follow the same approach when looking at topics to research and write about, looking for undervalued or deliberately neglected perspectives that, when shared, can initiate change for the best.


I believe the convergence of the public and private markets will be one of the most meaningful changes within the financial services ecosystem over the next decade. As an extension of this belief, I have:

I am now at Destiny (D/XYZ), helping an exceptional team build the first-ever exchange-listed portfolio of top tech unicorns.


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2021 Unicorn Report


The Biggest Winners of Pre-IPO Funding Rounds